... Cheer Squad
Long time no - write?
Life still keeps me from writing or even thinking of what to write, but I thought it an interesting tidbit to share about an event I was at near the end of November.
Studious creepers (who read my biography section) will note the time I spent in the Cheer and dance squad in school. I did so with my friend Silver, which is a story of its own, considering her more gothy vibes. Coincidently, her niece was also in Cheer.
About 3 or 4 years ago, the high school from which all 3 of us had graduated wanted to do something special for homecoming & the niece, Beth, thought of the idea for former squad members to do a routine together. It would be a hit with three prior graduated class squads dancing to music that each would have used at the time.
Fast Forward to this past November as the 2023 Senior team would be playing the final championship game at home. Our last Senior team sweep was actually during my senior year - our team kicked some serious ass to win that spot.
To commemorate this year's seniors getting to that prestigious spot & at a home game, I and the others got asked to join in the halftime festivities and help on the sidelines. Of course, we agreed & set to getting our uniforms slightly altered. Let's be honest; in Senior Year, or even the last time we did this event, I measured as thin & busty. While busty is still on the menu, "thin" has become average.
The night comes. Silver & Beth look amazing in uniform & we have the music set up and have practiced with the others for the past month. We walk in & one of the current senior Cheerleaders makes a smart-ass comment about bringing in the Old Folks Home. It's apparent the lack of respect current generations tend to have.
Beth was the only one who couldn't let it slip and snipped back a comment I will only paraphrase as containing information about us getting "more dick than that girl's ugly face could land her." I honestly just tried to ignore it. I knew our routine would speak for itself & in the end, it did.
Long story short, our squad showed the newer generation how it is done. Our music was on point, and we seemed to be the loudest squad during the game, rooting for the team and trying to keep the crowd energized. The Southstar All Stars won State Championship status for 2023. We girls left at the end of the game & decided to be naughty and laid waste to the local Denny's. I hadn't been there in a long time & ate way too much food, but it was worth it.
Part of me wanted to see if Kai Mei wanted to play naughty Cheerleader, but I figured I had enough energy used for the night. It's bad form if you fall asleep in the middle of sex. At least, that's my understanding.
It was a fun night to reunite with my old classmates & friends to show we still had it.
I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving holiday or Friendsgiving for those of you who don't wanna celebrate the massacre of natives gaslit into a story of peace. I also wish you all a great Christmas Holiday & New Year if I don't find myself back writing here before then. 💋
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