October 15, 2023


...into Hiatus

I'm aware it's been over a month now since I posted. The simple truth is a lack of inspiration, being overwhelmed by in-life events, & personal plateau of calm.

The honest touch of literary endeavor bears moments of sharp claws to pull your soul into words. Yet also moments of that hand slowly falling from your shoulder. The words do not come. Your inner demons are quiet and content.

Life comes in ebb & flow, as does inspiration. I've been feeling less discourse. Kai Mei and I have kept things platonic. Jag has been busy with her venue and being the rockstar she is. I've been in a few of her streams from time to time. Nothing has triggered my past or pain to transcribe into literary gold.

As Autumn and Winter are near, I bask in the chill air, bringing me permission to sweaters, extra-long sleeves, and spiced coffee.

I've tried to lend an ear to a friend struggling with life and being deep in financial unrest. Things have been rough for many people, bearing with economic issues and the senseless gain of hateful minds.

The best I can offer is the initial statement. That literary movement requires the inspiration of life and pain. Beyond that becomes the realm of fiction and the cognitive exercises to think outside your comfort zone.

I have great respect for authors of fiction & their skill to take on the task of bringing words to a character or troupe from thin air. Those who dig into their created world and the world of reality for inspiration are not just authors but craftsmen of their craft. I use "craftsman" as the general term it was once contrived. I do not use the term to thrust absent gender onto these geniuses of the script.

One of my friends is a very talented craftswoman who has done her time learning her craft in college, gaining her Master's Degree, and is now looking to bring her work out into the published world. I exude all my possible love to her and her journey to become published & I know it will come to fruition.

I hope, in time, I will find more inspiration for posts. I also feel like this blog shouldn't become filled with senseless pinpoints about nothing. We will have to see how things progress.

Until next time.

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