November 06, 2021

Some Homecoming School Spirit

Hometown Pride...

I just wanted to write a small piece of entry to support my Alma Mater; my High School of 2 years and from which I graduated.  Southstar Glen High School was where I started my Junior year upon our move to the city.  It's when I had my first school year after my strange growth spurt over the summer - or "glow Up" as they call it now.  Dear GOD I am already becoming an out of touch granny. 

 My friends and I were on dance squad ( as we called it, I know some places it's drill and some just Cheer) where we would work on music and dance routines for pep rallies and school games.  Usually football and basketball games we attended and would do half-time shows and bake sales.  For all the various mindsets of it all and drama and politics I understand can be found in these groups; Our squads for those two years didn't have any of that.  We watched out for each other and yet knew how to egg each other on. 

My BFF's Niece was also in Cheer for the same school and just as myself and the others found out... her group found that some songs would always be refused for use by the school principle and attendants.  During my time we tried to fit some hair band and more rocker songs that required more provocative movements. We knew the demographic and never pushed it to a point of blatant pornography.  This of course was before my breakdown and so I was a bit more naive to what I found as pushing a line than I am now. 

I've watched some YouTube videos of other school pep rallies to almost just revisit the feelings. I find myself actually shocked at what some schools are allowing for moves that during the time I was in cheer would have been outright banned.  Time marches on and of course our society becomes perpetually more perverse and desensitized to the idea of 16-18 year olds in skirts dancing and tumbling with gravity always giving people view of the underskirt tights.  But I makes me miss those days at times. It's where a lot of my desire of dance was either created or utilized to purge an otherwise overflowing mind of ideas.  Some of the girls I have seen at games from the past years back are really trying to do their all and push their skills to the test. 

But yeah.  Simple post for me to feel nostalgic about the past and support the girls of today's generation at SSGHS.   Shine Bright All Stars!  #SouthStarAllStarPride

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