October 31, 2021

Hallows of Eve

 Good Early morning my loves ~♥

Nothing too steamy or saucy; just wanted to say Happy Halloween or Hallows Eve as it's known around here with my friends. It's almost like a bigger Thanksgiving style celebration and I meet people I otherwise doubt I would meet. 

My savior, Kai Mei, is slightly more done up with a nicer shirt and less farm boy aura to him. The smells of food and treats, burning wood from a bonfire outside and the colder night air is so fitting right now.  I may regret being awake for so long; my dream man will be disheartened and stray to his own bed without me, but a part of me hopes that this air and time may help aid in my own sexual pleasures before my own sleep.  

The women within our gathering tonight are hard to surpass, yet he's so used to their presence and also less interested in them for his own needs.  Thus I hope soon to be able to present my case in hope of him accompanying me to someplace exotic and free.  This place has great forest and hidden hot springs, I yearn to feel the moist and unfamiliar touch of dewy moss upon the small of my back as my hand guides him into the embrace of my ever warming nethers.  

I'm sorry; I promised no saucy or degenerate talk.  Yet - know this is my plan for such an early morning entering a time of spooks and whim.  I hope you all enjoy the things you crave as well; be it sweets, spirits, or satisfying sensual touch.

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