February 06, 2022

Shedding the weights of almost 13 years. He was & will always be I N N O C E N T !!

In life, we constantly compare and contrast our past...

This last week, or so, has been a reminder of what pushed me into insanity. Not the subcategory items - the initial shive to the pit of despair. I want to drop the shackles of weight I have carried for the last 12 plus years. This may be the most uncensored and raw entry I will write thus far within my blog.

Where to begin? This is a case where the start is not the best placement of start points. We start to last week as I gazed upon the resurgence of what, to most, was old news. I take a deep breath here that you will not hear unless quite keenly immersive when you read. 

The "Twitterverse" boiled over as the collective Michael Jackson fandom was introduced to: 

  • A much-awaited documentary covering Janet Jackson 
  • The glaring truth of the media's continued stance to drag their most successful creation through the dirt, even as he lays dead and gone.

Some may know of the documentary and drama associated with it. Janet Jackson herself stated her belief in the innocence of her brother, Michael Jackson, in all allegations brought against him. Simple enough, or not. News soon rang out about select countries editing and chopping these comments among others within their airing of the flick. Australia was pointed out to me as they simply guillotined the entire statement. 

I'd like to take this moment to say Fuck You - Australia Media.

Jag had stayed over with me last week. Parts of the visit were spent hashing over the evils of the music industry, of which she is very vocal. Other parts consisted of a general rapport or me searching for the words to use in this entry. A trend we noticed from Twitter was the awakening of many people to the true depths media will go to hide the truth. So many people, who did not seem to be fans of my greatest love, spoke in shock of how brazen other media outlets would edit or alter the documentary. The internet now provides the ability to compare and contrast beyond the means we had when Michael died.

I'm at risk of leading into a never-ending loop of text and thoughts. I wish to vent my pain after these years of fighting for the only (real) compassionate human being to walk the soil of this god-forsaken wasteland known as Earth. A man I would have given and had tried to give my life to. A man I held my purity for in hopes that one day, somehow, he could be my first. A much loftier goal when you think about it much. Michael Jackson saw the corruption starting within media and music to separate from it as best as possible. The first to leave a label and go independent before it became "trendy" with streaming services over topics such as masks and vaccines. As money-choked artists flee a service over politically driven vomit, Michael left them protesting the inhumane and corrupt treatment of himself and other artists. He fought for the ability of other artists to have safe havens from the people who now lead the sheep to slaughter with shiny $100 bills and drugs. 

My chest heaves in an angry breath every time I let my mind slip into the topic. Each time I saw a tweet or trend on Twitter, I would gasp in horror and kill off another brain cell. I take only the joy in knowing this instance has erupted into a mass movement of fans and non-fans alike calling out media for their lies. People who once damned my baby to the world of pedophiles and "creepy people" are now questioning those who told them he was a Wacko. 

As Jag has told me, this error on the media's part will be the one that could hasten the media giant's decline and that of music industry giants. I personally say good. Burn in hell! 

For murdering the one man who could have brought world peace, united our world, and gave so many people (primarily women) happiness and something to dream of. I wish the fall of these criminals and all they are associated. 

I end my words here. I fear this is a highly befuddling entry. A week of brainstorming and 3 lined notepads later, I have more paper waste than I wish to admit to my name and just the thoughts above. I also strain to produce some writing ideas which are not as amorously themed. My visit with Jag was enjoyable. We found each other bouncing off our thoughts about music and media with reckless abandon. I hope that our next visit can be more about us and healing from the worst 3 years the world has endured. I hope those who read my blog or simply stumble here upon a wrong turn on the information superhighway are safe and healthy. Take each day with small steps and the drive of a titan. To any gods or deities, I pray for an end to this pandemic and resume our lives - preferably War Free.

Stay Strong Reader(s). Please feel free to comment on any topics or ideas you wish me to discuss or try to throw my pittance into. I guarantee no expertise but will try to be honest and give my heart to it. Bearing some googling as well.


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