September 26, 2021

Thoughts... in the shower...

 Highly Apropos...

Showers, or bathing, are both solitary yet tribal activities.  
The solitary time with yourself; dressed in your most weakest and vulnerable of fairs.  Yet such a rite of passage in unwritten scripts to many of us from Phys Ed. Classes and summer camps.  

You bath alone in your own home, assumable; lest we are feeling the need of double negatives and lust [ is it double negatives? Correct usage? Ack!! I digress ], cleansing the day's age and tests.  We allow our prejudices no shelter from actuality as our hands require touch, sight, and the scent of the body we most despise.

Yet, we are placed in classes at a young age to enhance our yearning for physical activity - which, at its end, we are asked to engage within that primal tribal action of bathing among others of the same form.  We all dreaded that as kids in fear of judgment by other preteens on their physical journeys.

An almost sick tribal dance that yet somehow becomes absent as we leave schooling and society; the same who's educational system asks we all bear the naked truth; now asks that we meet a set bar of both beauty and spatial rules that tend to assign shame to that same truth. It gives improper or perverse connotation to nudity and the gathered masses of many of the same form - nude.  Be it the shame from fellow souls of that form… or the strange double standard approval from the lustful programmed opposition.

That solitary time also is given vast credit for the greats of the world, the enlightenment of masses, the stray almost psychotic snicker at a joke.  It offers one time to wash away pain, dirt, and apprehension as it allows us the freedom to think and create in a small steam-bearing space; Much as this thought I pen, albeit digitally.

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