January 25, 2025

Busy first month...

 ... and I go conspiracy theorist.

I'm back in my home. The process was hell and arduous, to say the least. There was insurance red tape, weather delays, supply delays, and even my mental tooling at half speed to make decisions about the aesthetic I wished to create. The final product, however, meets my wishes and requirements. I've been enjoying our surreal winter snowfall from my home with great coziness and a slight air of pride.

My time - during the process - was spent with Jag and Bruno. The sexual temptations I had would constantly be in check and even fail at times. I don't complain about those times of moral strength as I still am a craven woman, a mammal driven to breed and reproduce for survival. Of course, none of those moments were for reproduction and solely my own desired lustful appetite.

The visit included trips to Los Angeles, a city my heart pours out for during its tragic uncontrolled fires creating destruction, along with other parties and events. I felt the aura of being a rockstar or person of interest and fame. It did fully engulf me at times and I would quickly fall back to earth upon my return to this humble headquarters of my life. All of these things had no small effect on my mental state, egotistical blight, or the entry to my temple or body to those of layman's terms.

I've spent the last few weeks at home in my own office and living room as I tool with my thoughts and scroll the endless pit of the internet known as Instagram. You may know (reading this Blog you should, hun) that I am a "Moonwalker" aka Michael Jackson fan.

I've slowly been teetering along the conspiracy fence on MJ, his Life, & passing. A part of me understands that life is finite and fragile as well as that Jackson had a time of his life when substance abuse was very much prevalent.

I also understand his death is a proverbial Swiss cheese of theories, toothbrush-level scoured inconsistencies, & parallel-tuned Elvis theories of faked endings. My heart, my soul, really wants to clench to the later options I just mentioned.

One thing that I tend to find, as I have been able to stomach listening again to his songs without feeling a pain in me that even dwarfs my worst "time of the month", is the shocking realities of how Michael's lyrics tend to speak volumes today of current events. These lyrics pre-date the timeline we currently live and yet he was exposing and slathering the world of today to us back then. At times those lyrics are even a melodic warning to the masses of what he saw ahead.

Below is an Instagram suggested reel that I came across a few days ago in which you can hear and read in the comments the fact that MJ was most likely doing a very deep expose on the music industry and society overall. I also, within this vocals-only version, notice the lyric "Hit Me, Kick Me, You can never get me..." which makes that naive part of me question if this was a message well beyond our understanding then and today. Was Michael telling us that he would find ways to evade the people who want him silenced? Is this a lyrical nudge to the theories for years that he simply went into hiding and his passing or the person of interest shown in his passing was not him after all?

This is the small glimmer I will keep close to my heart, regardless of what rational tells it. Jackson had a reach that surpassed even the eluded higher powers of the world which made him ultimately a power of peace, unity, & a collaborative fight against the high powers and to change society against the "man", as they always called them in the hippie eras.

It is also of interest to note; that my attempts to replay the saved reel in Instagram on my Firefox browser yielded a frozen video that soon came to be any of the video media and reels just not wanting to work.

When I opened the same in Google Chrome, the reels played just fine. Again, I'm not openly saying there's anything to it, but it makes you wonder just who's really watching as well.

Let me know your thoughts if you want. Stay strong my fellow Moonwalkers. His voice, his charm, his existence, and his love are more needed today than ever before as the events he warned us of are now coming forefront in a world of turmoil & excess consumption, and distraction.

I love you all! X's & O's to you all as we navigate the 2025 year. I also apologize I don't post often. I've honestly spent a lot of my tooling time in my office deciding if I wish to put my full soul into literary ventures or if I should diverge into something else. Only Time will tell if my mind changes or not. 

December 20, 2024

First Time to LA...

...Rolling like a Rock Star Farce

Bonjour my loves~
Firstly; Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, and Joyous whatever you celebrate!

In a way, my Christmas gift was received about two or three weeks ago (time flies, doesn't it?). While I have been a bit of a couch moocher while staying at Jag's place while my house has been getting repaired, I've mostly spent much of the time out and about & utilizing Jag's bodyguard, Bruno, as a stand-in shopping boyfriend. A few enjoyable days of gift buying and, admittedly, utilizing Bruno's feral senses to test outfits. I still tend to get wrapped up in being a bit of a sexual tease at times.

In all honesty, Bruno is a bit of a hunk-style guy. He gives off that mix of mild womanizer and soft teddy bear. He's not really my type, yet I have had intimacy with him in the past.

ANYWAYS! Back onto the topic. About two or three weeks ago, I made my first trip to Los Angeles, California. Jag, Bruno, KaiMei, a friend & her husband, along with myself.

Last year, the event was an in-person affair. Jag & the aforementioned friend, who goes by the nickname Pumpkin, had gone and wanted to go again this year.

This year, the event was streaming only. Thus, the group decided to go to LA and stay someplace to watch the stream. Jag set up an AirB&B that was amazing, yet also cost like $6K (!).

I'll have a photo below & a link to the website of this accommodation. It felt like being a rock star & I may have let our awards night bender get a bit wild on my part. I couldn't pass up some naughty pool fun with Kai Mei while we ordered food and watched the Awards show. 

Sourced from Air B&B Listing linked Below - Pool at Night

The Grove 5 Bedroom Villa - https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/15361680

The awards show was one hell of an interesting watch. We stayed the extended 3-day weekend & a huge culture shock (bucket list?) item to live like an LA high roller. I drank way too much alcohol while also eating well beyond my own body weight in food.

I loved the experience & I'd do it again! I'll wait until next year to find out if they are going again. I also must admit my jealousy of Pumpkin's occasional Japan trips.

An additional bucket list item I'd love to accomplish someday.

Until then, however. Have a great holiday darlings, & amazing New Year! Sending all my blown kisses and warm hugs!


October 29, 2024

A first time...

 ... that wasn't as good as another first time.

In August I submitted, on a whim, what was the sum of my blog short bio to a publication. I did not expect much from it honestly. After a brief of radio silence, a response was received to what I would have expected.

Take this not as me bemoaning a author career I never had. I am just passing alone updates of this step from my comfort zone. I won't be tossing my hands to trash in disgust nor swearing from slathering emotion to paper. Just coming full circle on this first time submitting something outside of my bubble. 

I hope you are all enjoying the transition into spooky season and the chill of Autumn and Winter. I've already started wearing more of my long sleeve and sweaters as the temps drop and the girls get chilly. I'm sure others of the busty persuasion of figure can attest to the chill your breasts. I also, personally at least, am not always a fan of my nipples being noticed in my tops when the cold affects them. 

Silver's girlfriend and my fellow friend really enjoys the Halloween season. So we'll be enjoying a fun evening on Thursday for the Hallows Eve including food, friends, and maybe some fire water even.  It'll be fun!

Hoping i can be able to post more often, but life and the separation from the internet does tend to improve a already troubled mind. Our current timeline of life is bombarded by negative & pain for the sake of "content" that I honestly cannot be bothering my time with. I highly urge you all to spend time away from the internet and more with nature, friends, lovers, and yourself. 

Until our next digital meeting. kisses!